東京都内、都心山手線沿線を中心に新宿・渋谷・池袋・上野・秋葉原・東京・六本木・品川・浜松町・新橋・青山・原宿・恵比寿・中目黒・田園調布・水道橋などにア クセスしやすいシェアハウス・ゲストハウス多数。
The houses are located easy access to the central area of Tokyo , Shinjyuku, Shibuya , Ikebukuro , Ueno , Akihabara , Tokyo , Roppongi , Shinagawa , Hamamatutyou , Shinbashi , Aoyama , Harajyuku , Ebisu , Nakameguro ,Denentyoufu , Suidobashi etc.
敷金礼金ゼロ(無し)、仲介手数料ゼロ(無し)、保証人不要(無し)で利用でき、月々3万円台~と格安で利用できるマンスリーマンションとしても利用可能な ゲストハウス・シェアハウス。
Very easy to rent for monthly guesthouse. No Guarantor, No Commission, NoDeposit, and the room charge is from \30,000~
Fun place to communicate with poeple from all over the world by staying atthe guesthouse!!!
外国人の旅行者などをターゲットに産声を上げたこの住居形態も今では多くの日本人に認知、利用されており当社では 日本人の利用者が8割を占めています。
Share houses that have increased rapidly in the last few years. As of 2016, about 2000 properties in Tokyo can be confirmed on the Internet.
This form of housing, which was born to foreign tourists, is now recognized and used by many Japanese people, and Japanese users account for 80% of the total.
リビング・トイレ・シャワー・キッチンなどを利用者が共有することによって敷金・礼金・仲介手数料などの初期費用をカットでき自分の望む 生活スタイルを手にするための仮住まいとして大きく重宝され、必要最低限の家具なども揃っているため家具購入資金や引っ越しのリスクをこれ以上 ないほど軽減したスタイルで都内山手線沿線を中心に、2016年現在330を超えるお部屋を運営・管理しております。
By sharing the living room, toilet, shower, kitchen, etc., the initial costs such as security deposit, key money, and brokerage fee can be cut, and it is very useful as a temporary housing to get the lifestyle you want, and it is the minimum necessary. As of 2016, we operate and manage more than 330 rooms, mainly along the Yamanote Line in Tokyo, in a style that reduces the cost of purchasing furniture and the risk of moving as much as possible because we have furniture.
As of November 2016, there are various types of housing. Housing in Japan and even in Tokyo is changing day by day toward the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Under such circumstances, "What is a share house?" We have been pursuing this since the beginning of operation (2004), and we are striving to provide comfortable and inexpensive housing.
We own more than 10 properties, mainly along the Yamanote Line in Tokyo, and place the utmost importance on customer access and low cost.
Cut everything you need to live in Tokyo (deposit, key money, brokerage fees, furniture purchase funds, moving funds)
We are working hard every day to aim for a rough house that is easy to enter and exit, but a house that makes you want to return again.
Everyone will show ID`s and confirm your emergency contact information regardless of gender or nationality.
If you are a foreigner, you will need a visa, alien registration card, etc.
* The contract may be refused due to some restricted houses and our internal rules.
At the house operated by our company, it is possible to visit and stay with friends and family.
* Some houses have some restrictions.
また専門の業者さんに清掃を依頼することもございます。 ※清掃について一部当番制のハウスもございます。
Each house has a manager who manages the equipment of the house and cleans the common areas.
Please contact the staff if you are interested, as recruitment of managers will be irregular.
We may also ask a professional contractor for cleaning. * Cleaning Some houses are on duty.
冷やかし程度のご相談でも受け付けておりますので是非ご連絡ください。 ※詳しくはコチラから
We are looking forward to hearing from a wide range of owners and real estate companies with the aim of expanding our business.
Owners of rooms or properties with undecided tenants.
Please contact us.
Although it does not generate big profits, we will provide a stable income and a plan with a sense of security.
There is no fixed form or manual.
We will propose a wide variety of ways of engaging with the current owner with an emphasis on future design.
Please feel free to contact us as we are also accepting consultations. * Click here for details